We want you to go back to creativity- on and off the internet.
Play is what we want you able to do. Do you remember as a child when you figured out how to draw or make something with clay? You were amazed at the outcome. You can still have that child like quality in your adult life- learn to play, to laugh, to explore- to get your hands dirty.
Creativity is connection to Creator- to the Spirit world if you call us in. We too enjoy creativity and wish to be part of that too. All of the artists, the potters, the jewelry makers, all started watching and learning as a child or as a young adult. Create with your hands, form, color, add bits and pieces and make it your own.
We have talked about it many times- now it is time to take a break and just play- create- explore. There are no due dates or deadlines- allow the creative juices to flow – add in the frequency of plant and stone and Spirit to create.
There are many forces that continue to push people into fear, into lack, into lower energies- they still want to control with fear and doubt and have you deny your Divine Identity. You are Children of Earth- You are from the Stars- you came here at this time to hold space, hold the frequency of Love during this beautiful birth. So hold the Love, hold the light, sing, dance, play music, make art, laugh, play.
Find your inner child and nurture her. Allow her to come back to the forefront. Allow creativity back into you life- you put it away to be a provider and caretaker for your child but now the child has grown and is on his own path of enlightenment.
You should not have to wait until the last quarter of your Earth existence to play. Make each day a day of creativity. Write, create, online and off and allow the higher Dimensional energies to flow through you while you work with your hands. Metals, stone, color, beads- it all can come together in a beautiful way.
Community is all things. The farmer, the caretaker of animals, the artist, the bread maker, all play a part in this Ceremony of life. Take time to see what roles you want to play. Change it up from time to time- you can do all things or few things- it is personal choice. Do what you love and see what the outcome is.
We continue to hold space for all to awaken, hold the frequency of Love and Creativity. The Creative Community is still here- in the words on the page and in your heart. Make it happen, ask for help, see who comes forward. Use these colder days as a catalyst for creativity.In time others will come to see what you are doing. Many are still in a space of healing and learning. It is good to have an outlet to release the fear, the doubt. Learn to let it go so you can move forward. Learn from your past, from the times you gave your power away or did not know who you were.
You now have a better understanding of your role at this time- step up- step into the higher frequencies and allow each day to bring you closer to understanding your time on Earth. Soon you will be able to travel again – to gather again and connect with others. Continue to support each other- to smile at a stranger and show an example. No fear, just LOVE. There is so much more to be uncovered- make the journey down the rabbit holes a journey of joy, journey of enlightenment. Flip it back to the light, hold the frequency of love in all you do.
Short and sweet yes- you know this now do it. We say this with the highest respect and with so much love for all you do and have done for humanity. The spell is wearing off and many will come to you with questions. There will be much to understand, much to share, to teach, to explore. You will not be alone in this. You will have support on the Earth Plane and from the Spirit World.
We Love and appreciate all of you for your service to Humanity. So be Love, be Joy, be the best you can be at this amazing time on Earth.
One Heart, Unity, Family, Community of light.